Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stationery card

Making Spirits Bright Holiday Card
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Stationery card

Making Spirits Bright Holiday Card
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Stationery card

Making Spirits Bright Holiday Card
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stuff is Getting REAL!

Saturday was CRAZY busy. Andrew and I dropped one of the dogs off with the Dog Whisperer for a week for her check-in.  THEN...we went to the bank and added him to my account. We now share a bank account. Granted, it's the savings account for the wedding, but nevertheless.  This is adult-type behavior!  Of course, so is getting married. 
After the bank, Andrew dropped me off at the nail salon so that I could get a manicure before our engagement pictures on Sunday. While I did that, he went and got a haircut and his beard trimmed so he'd look all spiffy.  When we finished there, we headed to the stationer to order our invitations.  Wow. Actually sitting there at the table, finalizing the wording and reading it back to yourself, saying, "This is what people are going to read when they get our invitations" is rather a big deal. Maybe that's just me.  We're supposed to get proofs this week.  After that, we went to a local furniture store where I have $600 in gift cards to spend to check out the inventory and went to the jeweler where Andrew bought my ring and looked at wedding bands.  It's amazing how much wedding-related stuff you can cram into one weekend when you have to!  

Today, we are 95 days from the wedding.  That's it.  I am so excited and so rattled-- there's so much to do!  There is nothing left to do!  And today, we finalized our proofs for our invitations, so they have been ordered.

At any rate, I got an idea from one of the weddingbee bloggers to try for a picture a day leading up to the wedding from the 100 day mark so here goes: 

100-- October 18, 2012
Holiday drinks at McDonalds?  

99- October 19, 2012

98- October 20, 2012
Saturday night- Mass 

97- October 21, 2012
Instagram from our photographer during the engagement pictures :)

96- October 22, 2012  
(Filler Picture)- Andrew driving, lookin' good after his haircut and beard trim on Saturday

95- October 23, 2012
Slightly doctored image of our invitations :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tea Time!

My BFF and Matron of Honor, Brandi (also mother to my flower girl-- she's a woman of all trades), hosted a bridal tea for me on Sunday, along with Karen, Andrea and FMIL Carol.  Everything was beautiful, perfect, fantastic, and it was good to catch up with some friends and meet new ones!  The thank-you notes went in the mailbox today.  Woo!

 One of Andrea's famous self-portraits, with the lovely Karen. I think she's better at taking photos this way than I am at taking them looking through the viewfinder sometimes!
 Andrea and Mere-- both brides AND bridesmaids :)
 Fantastic gifts-- our friends and family are very generous!
 Karen, Me, Andrea and Brandi
 Jaime, me and Sara-- Sara had been a newlywed of all of 1 week and 1 day ;)
 Me and Karen, resting our feet
 Cute napkins that Brandi stamped with my married initial
 Wreath Brandi made for the door-- it's now on my door :)
 Delicious cake
Me with Becky and her Mom-- Becky is my oldest friend in the world and her Mom was my kindergarten teacher

Now..we're getting down to the details as we are 100 days from the wedding!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Long Time, No Post...

Yeah, I'm terrible.  It's been ::mumbletymumblety:: since I've last updated.  Things have been kind of crazy.  I moved in with the fiance'.  Then, my furniture moved in.  And the dogs are united.  All three of them.  And we've had doggie boot camp-- complete  with a dog whisperer!-- to try and get them to get along. The week after I was "officially" moved in, Andrew had to go to California for a week and left me here with the canine trio.  

In September, we went to Atlanta for a night so that we could say goodbye to Chipper Jones.  Andrew grew up in Atlanta, and is a fervent Falcons and Braves fan.  Last year, we did go to a game for his birthday weekend...and even though we have instituted some "austerity measures" in these last weeks leading up to the wedding, it was his 30th and there was no way I was not going to get him to a game so he could see Chipper play one last time.  And, for the first time EVER, the Braves won a game while I was there!

Last weekend, we went to New Orleans for the wedding of one of my sorority sisters.  It was a quick trip-- we drove down on Saturday, came home on Sunday.  Bonus: running into one of the bloggers for Weddingbee (who Sara and I were both following) whose wedding was also in New Orleans the same night when we hit Bourbon Street after the reception. 

So...we're nearing the 100 day mark until the wedding.  Yikes!  We've had our meeting with our "sponsor couple" at church (we met with them rather than having to attend an Engaged Encounter weekend due to Andrew's work schedule). I've had my makeup and hair trials.  I have spoken with the seamstress who is doing the alterations on my wedding dress and we're meeting at the beginning of December to get that going.  I have a meeting scheduled with the florist and I need to go to the shop that we chose to order our invitations through and get that going.  I may do that this weekend, actually, while my Mom is in town because SUNDAY is my BRIDAL TEA!  I am so excited and nervous.  We're having our engagement pictures taken on the 21st and we need to set a meeting with the caterer to choose the precise menu we're serving. Oy! 

And now, I should probably get back to attending to the house, etc. since we're having a house guest this weekend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What a Weekend...

Whew.  Crazy, but fun...
Friday night, Andrew and I went over to Brandi's house to help set up everything for dinner the next night...we laid out tablecloths, hung banners, etc. and basically set things out as best we could, not knowing what the food would be delivered in.  On Saturday, we headed out to a local park and visited with a bunch of sorority sisters-- many of whom I haven't seen in a VERY long time.  It was fun meeting some husbands, babies, and a few girls I didn't know :)  We were wiped by the time it was over, so we headed for Andrew's house and I napped until it was time to get ready to head to Brandi's house. There was a slight snafu with the balloons, but all was well in the end. Also, the caterer apparently delivered part of our food to another location, and they had to make a second delivery, but we were fine. A good time was had by all :)
Sunday, we did our usual thing...ended up at brunch, went to Target, Lowe's and we went to Mens Warehouse to pick out tuxes (!!!) for the wedding (!!!).  Picked up a couple of sets of blinds for the house, which were hung by the time I got home from work yesterday-- score!  They look really nice. 
And now...have some pictures :)

 "Come Right In"-- cute wreath made by Kelly
 We decided it would be fun to practice our door songs at some point...
 Gathering at Brandi's Saturday night
 The group (girls and kids) at the park on Saturday afternoon, before the rain